Sell in Person:
Show your brochure to family members: aunts, uncles, cousins and don’t forget Grandma and Grandpa. You can also sell your your neighbors and friends. Take an adult with you for safety! Get even more sales by sending your brochure to work with mom and dad.
Sell online:
1. Sell online by registering with The Clubhouse by visiting
• School Codes: REAMS Code: ROCK36 / RMS-CES Code: ROCK97 / RHS Code: ROCK95
• Register with parent name and email.
• Add student information
• A different account, using a different email, must be created for each school.
2. Send 10 Messages and post your unique link on social media.
All on-line orders during our fundraiser will be credited to your child, PLUS our school will receive ALL the profits. You are welcome to order from any of our online catalogs!
Dates to Remember:
March 21 – Sale start date
April 12 – REAMS and RMS-CES orders/payments due to school
April 19 – RHS online orders due
May 15 – Delivery Date – Pick up times 2:45 – 6:00pm at REAMS Gym