The Rockford Education Foundation is collecting donations for the second RHS ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP! This will be a scholarship funded entirely by Rockford Alumni!
The goal is to support a student with a meaningful scholarship, who has a deep Rockford connection through family members who have also attended RHS. We would like to raise at least a $500.00 scholarship to be used for their post secondary education.
Please make your donation by February 1, 2020.
Your name and graduation year will be listed on the scholarship certificate awarded at the Senior Awards Ceremony in May. Your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Information and Eligibility for this Scholarship:
- Student must have a grandparent, parent, aunt or uncle, or brother or sister that has graduated from Rockford High School
- There will be no GPA requirement
- No restriction on type of post secondary institution (technical school, 2 year or 4 year all count)
- An evaluation committee from Dollars for Scholars will anonymously review and score the student profiles and scholarship recipients.
- Scholarships will be awarded at Senior Awards Ceremony in May at the high school auditorium.