Sally Martinson

Special Education Teacher
14 yrs/ paraprofessional, 10 yrs/teacher

My first position was a substitute for paraprofessionals,
helping in the office and in the lunchroom in 1996. For most
of my years, I taught academics, social skills, functional skills,
and fine motor skills to K – 4 ASD/DCD students. Each
student is taught at their level and pace, so each child has
their own curriculum.

I was a parent volunteer for my children, and the principal
asked me if I was interested in becoming a substitute as a
paraprofessional. I hadn’t ever thought of having a job in the
education field, but I found I loved working with students!
The next year I applied for an opening in special education
and as they say, the rest is history.

I really loved watching children progress. There were times I
would have tears in my eyes when a child accomplished a
task they had tried for literally years. Once you work with
students, they worm their way into your heart; I truly love

Over the years including kids with special needs into general
education classrooms has evolved. Students with special
needs learn from their same aged peers, and other students
learn from students with special needs.

I have learned that you cannot take things personally, be
thankful for everything you have, and make connections with
coworkers. I will miss the students and my coworkers.

During retirement, I plan to have a slower pace of life. I
finally have grandchildren, so I plan to enjoy time with them
and my family including my siblings. Of course, I was brought
up volunteering, so I look forward to volunteering.


Retirees from past years